Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How my family went all natural, organic, low sodium

The first thing I did was google "top ten healthiest foods" & "food additives to avoid". Most sites had the same opinion with a few differences. I then researched the WHY's of the good and bad. Now it was time to look in our cabinets and refrigerator. I've always prided myself on the fact that we have a responsible, functional method of building our family. I only bought prepackaged junk food occasionally. Always opted for the 100% juice instead of the cheaper "red" or "blue" drink. We never put pop in our 1 year old's bottle (seen it happen). We've always thought we leaned more to the health side of things with our choices. I was shocked to see how many items from the "food additives to avoid" list were in MOST of our food! Two of the top contenders, high fructose corn syrup & partially hydrogenated oil, were in almost EVERYTHING! I've discovered to many health risks linked to both to list them all here. That was really scary and overwhelming! Sad thing was, we had just gone to Sam's club and stocked up. Cases of green beans, corn, Bisquick mix, tomato soup, and so on and so on....All super high in sodium. Most had enough items from the bad list to concern us. What could we do? We couldn't get rid of the stuff and buy new. We took all natural, low sodium baby steps.

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