Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All natural low sodium recipes that WORK!

It's been 3 months since my family has gone all natural, organic, low sodium. My husbands blood pressure is down! I've lost 17 Pd's.! We have a ton more energy! Quite a few people have asked about recipes. I'll try to pass on what I've learned these past months. There has been alot of trial and error. It's very frustrating when you have a recipe box full of your families favorites that have to be tweaked to fit in with your new life style. Some did not work so well. Like our FAVORITE Ravioli Soup with spinach and tomatoes. Sounds very healthy right. Not when you looked at the sodium content. I substituted with low sodium organic chicken broth, no sodium added canned tomatoes, skipped the Campbell's cream of chicken & poultry seasoning and basically ended up with ravioli, spinach, & tomato water! I've since learned that compromising on a few ingredients is ok, like the organic chicken broth that's not low sodium, and the sodium content will still be way down.

Stuffed Pepper Soup
1 pd. 96% lean ground beef or turkey
1 diced onion
4 gloves minced garlic

Brown meat with onions & garlic. Mix in all other ingredients and simmer for 30-45 minutes.

Yellow, red, green pepper - diced
1 28oz. can crushed low sodium all natural tomatoes (RedPack has a 100% natural crushed tomatoes with basil, garlic, & oregano that has 90 mg of sodium per 1/4 cup serving. It's DELICIOUS!)
2 cups organic beef broth (not the low sodium..I know, I know, but it still has far less than non organic)
2 cups water
1 cup uncooked brown rice
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp organic cane sugar
1 Tbsp molasses
pepper, red pepper seed, ground celery salt to taste

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