Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Iced Fruity Green Tea

Most bottles of flavored tea contain artificial colors, preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup. Tea is supposed to be good for you...right? Google "super foods" and Green Tea is at the top of any list you come across. Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease, infection, impaired immune function are just some of the conditions that green tea has been proven to be helpful. So why cancel out the benefits of green tea by adding ingredients that cause health issues? WHO KNOWS! I decided to add green tea to our everyday by making up a big pitcher at home. I bought the economy size box of green tea bags. I received a box of Celestial Seasoning Fruit Tea Sampler as a gift. It contains 3 bags each of raspberry, peach, wild berry, blueberry, and black cherry. I decided to mix the two one day and came up with our new favorite beverage!

Iced Fruity Green Tea - the kind that's good for you!
1 gallon pitcher
5 green tea bags
3 fruit tea bags
3/4 to 1 cup organic cane sugar

Heat 3 cups of water and the cane sugar on the stove until the sugar dissolves. Pour into the pitcher and add the tea bags. Let steep. Fill the rest of the pitcher with cold water and refrigerate. Super yummy!

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